Dec 24th. I am finishing the details on two new graphic novels. One is 72 pages and the other is 50. I should have them completed and in publication soon. I have a third book written but not illustrated.

Dec 11th 2021. As I sit here, I have completed 5 oil paintings, 22 oil paintings are near complete and about 30 are set aside. I have sold two NFT’s for more than .5 eth each and uploaded about 20 more. I have some ideas for nft experiments for fun. My 3D world on Kitely is about 20% done. I have published 4 children’s books and finishing 3 more in the next day or two. I am very pleased with my progress. I have hired myself for the year and already exceeded my expected production with 25% of the year left πŸ™‚ I will work on my health, play some games I have been putting off and complete some of my paintings. If I have more book or painting ideas, I am sure I will address them πŸ™‚ fun!


After helping over a thousand authors create and publish their works I have FINALLY created two of my own books!

Aug 9th 2021. I let my work build up as I was painting a lot. I have taken a break from painting and completed all of my children’s book business, paid my bills and ordered more art supplies. I have been working on the virtual gallery and I will be working on updating this site including adding a couple things to the store.

June 24 2021. I have about 41 oil paintings going, have written the ~40pg graphic novel – ordering clayboard panels to start painting it.

June 16 2021. I have narrowed my focus to a few projects, one of which re-designing this site. one graphic novel about 24 pages (already written) oil painted, one 600 page B&W graphic novel and one book about 30 pages hardcover of my 200 or so pieces of artwork, most of which I am completing now.

I created 7 NTFs and sold one for $1700 plus 10% of each sale after that (link https://rarible.com/incoprea?tab=created )I have a couple more to finish up and I will let that develop, if it does I can do more.

April 26th 2021. Where do I begin, I decided to paint and finally nurture some of my artistic ideas. I rented an apartment, paid a year in advance and bought a variety of art supplies. April 2nd I moved. I spent the next week unpacking and driving around the area and hiking on some of the many trails near the river.

I discovered the rock in this area (Basalt) was once under ocean lava and was exposed when the glaciers scrubbed away surrounding ground, just like Devils Tower. Then, the melting glaciers once again tried to wear the rock away but only managed to create large pot holes where rocks swirled around in the heavy currents. Later, when logging was using the river to transport, there was a massive logjam in the basalt that had to be cleared with dynamite.

I have found about 15 trails, two barn foundations, 5 waterfalls and 1 natural spring. I am exploring my ideas from past photos, thoughts and my surroundings using watercolor, oil, pencil, markers. I am exploring and starting many projects while others dry.

Working on about 12 pieces right now and will post them as soon as they are done. I have some solid ideas for animations and new books too. Excited to discover what the new year teaches me.

Watercolor, first piece at the new place

March 5th 2021. I am getting ready to move at the end of the month! I will be focussing on watercolor, drawing, oil, a virtual art gallery, animations, my own children’s book(s), and this website for one year. I will be posting original artwork for sale at a low price to cover the cost of my materials and shipping. I fully intend to bring my artwork to a new level in originality and quality. That will hopefully increase the value of my work so that I can do this full-time once this year-long project is completed. Check this site towards the end of April 2022 for an update and some original artwork for sale. I will try to do my best art and explore both what comes to me and what I enjoy. My main focus will start with studies to improve my skillset, then shift to eventually creating books and work that others will enjoy.

February 12th 2021. In the two years after my divorce I created a lot of artwork, I sketched and created digital art. I even bought paints and a canvas but could not bring myself to even try to paint (I was nervous that I would do it wrong). Then I was in a five year relationship. While I am with someone I find it difficult to work on the relationship and also create art. My father said why not just do art in your free-time and to me that’s like saying just climb a hill at the park when you want to climb mountains. I tried some dating apps and talked to new people but I am finding myself more satisfied creating art. So, I am going to forsake all relationships and get an apartment up north in April. I will dedicate myself to my art alone and we will see where this leads… wml

past projects;

life of a camera

Experimental editing;


VR projects;

Lindens Are Virtual

Audio projects: